Forgotten Language Tracking Course

Learn to Read Nature's Story in the Tracks, Signs & Sounds. Participants receive six lessons over twelve weeks, each containing essential teachings and concepts. Research and challenges to be completed outdoors will guide your journey and growth.

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- Chris Gilmour -

This course is for you if...

You want to be more knowledgeable about ecology and wildlife...

You would like to be able to interpret the tracks and signs left by wildlife and know what nature's sounds are telling you...

You want to see more wild animals and observe or photograph them in their natural state...

You are interested in starting or enhancing a career in the outdoors...

You are ready to expand your awareness & deepen your connection to nature in ways you may not have know possible...

What if tracks and signs came alive for you?

Historically, humans have experienced the natural world in such a profound way. Many modern people do not even realize how deep our awareness and connection with the natural world can go. You can reclaim this ancient way of relating to the world, and remember what it is to experience nature as an ongoing story, revealing itself to you.
What if tracks and signs came alive for you?


Learn to Read Nature's Story in the Tracks, Signs & Sounds

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What Past Students are Saying


What You Will Learn in the Forgotten Language eCourse:

  • Lesson One: Natural Mysteries & Questions

    Dive in at the beginning of discovering all good answers - asking good questions. Tracking is an exercise in critical thinking and natural intuition. Explore the natural mysteries that most people pass by unnoticed.

  • Lesson Two: Interpreting Track Patterns

    ... and the ability to recognize them. How are things related? What are they teaching you? Start building relationships and knowledge of the animals that live in your own backyard. Discover the power of patterns and how much information they can reveal when looking at anything in nature.

  • Lesson Three: Habitat // Track & Sign

    Every species is a part of a more remarkable story. To get to know the animals, we also need to get to know their environments' ecology. Where do animals live? How do they survive their? What do they contribute to the greater story? And how do we be a conscious and more aware part of the eco-system?

  • Lesson Four: Baseline

    To read and interpret the story in nature, you must first come to know what we call "baseline." There is a baseline in the weather, in the birds and insects' calls, in the way animals interact with their landscape, and in the patterns they leave in their tracks. Trackers learn to see the "breaks" in the baseline; this is where the story and magic begins...

  • Lesson Five: Trailing & Track Aging

    Explore how time affects track and sign. When was the animal here? If I want to see it, when should I be here? Have even more fun following a set of tracks deep into the woods and learning about the intricacies of the animal's life.

  • Lesson Six: Animal Gaits & "Inner" Tracking

    Interpreting gaits allows you to look at a string of tracks and see what the animal is doing every step of the way. It sped up, looked over its right shoulder, growled, was afraid. Learning to read gaits is nothing short of mind blowing and will forever enhance your ability to read the elaborate stories written in the tracks.

Watch Intro Video

Example Lesson From Inside the Course


The benefits of tracking knowledge!

  • Feel more deeply connected to nature

  • Increase your ability to find and observe wildlife undisturbed in their natural habitat

  • Get to know what creatures move through your backyard/neighborhood and better understand the ecology of your region

  • Be able to look at a string of tracks & see the animal moving in your mind's eye

  • More opportunities for stewardship and restoration

  • Add more depth to Urban Nature experiences

Meet Your Instructor

  • Chris Gilmour

    Found & Lead Trainer, Changing World

    Chris Gilmour

    Chris is the founder and lead trainer at Changing World, a consulting and training firm helping both individuals and organizations adapt and thrive in our changing world and climate. They focus on emergency preparedness planning, sustainable and resilient design, and training in survival skills, emergency response and self-reliance. Chris brings a very diverse skill set and life experience to all his courses, consulting and training, including: 12 years as Wilderness & Urban Survival Instructor, 14 years as a Back-Country Wilderness Guide, 10 years living-on and building a modern day homestead where he grows food & medicinal herbs using permaculture and forest gardening techniques. 6 years experience running emergency exercises and training with government and private organizations. Chris is also a life-long martial artist, certified wildlife tracker, teacher at Sir Sanford Fleming College and has a strong background in ecology.

Course Curriculum

  • 1
    • Welcome from Chris!
  • 2
    Lesson 1: Natural Mysteries and the Art of Questioning
    • Terms & Conditions, Disclaimers, and Waiver of Liability
    • About Lesson One
    • Natural Mysteries & The Art of Questioning
    • Lesson 1 Workbook [BONUS DOWNLOAD]
    • Bonus Video: URBAN TRACKING
  • 3
    LESSON 2: Patterns in Nature & An Introduction to Mammal Families
    • About this Lesson
    • PART I
    • PART II
    • Lesson 2 Workbook [BONUS DOWNLOAD]
  • 4
    Lesson 3: Exploring Habitats & Sign Tracking
    • PART I
    • PART II
    • Lesson 3 Workbook [BONUS DOWNLOAD]
    • BONUS VIDEO: Sign Tracking
  • 5
    Lesson 4: Understanding Baseline & How to "Move Like Nature"
    • About this Lesson
    • PART I
    • PART II
    • Lesson 4 Workbook [BONUS DOWNLOAD]
  • 6
    Lesson 5: Track Aging & The Art of Trailing
    • PART I
    • PART II
    • Lesson 5 Workbook [BONUS DOWNLOAD]
    • BONUS VIDEO: Wolf/Deer Blood Trail
  • 7
    Lesson 6: The "Story" in the Tracks and Inner Tracking
    • PART I: The Story in the Tracks - Gait Interpretation
    • PART II: Inner Tracking
    • Lesson 6 Workbook [BONUS DOWNLOAD]
    • BONUS VIDEO: Speed & Head Direction
  • 8
    BONUS MODULE: Bird Identification, Calls and Language
    • About this Bonus Content
    • Lesson 1: Introduction to Bird Identification and Birding by Ear
    • Lesson 2: Interpretive Bird Language
    • Lesson 3 - Intro to Bird Mapping
    • Lesson 4: Bird Alarm Shapes
    • Lesson 5: Bird Language - Songs vs Alarms
  • 9
    BONUS LESSON: Amphibian Calls
    • Intro to Amphibian sounds
  • 10
    Interviews with Trackers. What is Tracking?
    • What is tracking - Chris Gilmour
    • What is tracking - Lee Earl
    • What is tracking - Caleb Musgrave
  • 11
    **BONUS** Live Call Recordings
    • Live Class Replay #1 - 2021
    • Live Class Replay #2 - 2021
    • Live Class Replay #3 - 2021
    • Live Class Replay #4 Pt A - 2021
    • Live Clas Replay #4 B - 2021
    • Live Class Replay #5 - 2021
    • Live Class Replay Re #6 -2021