Survive the Storms Disaster Preparedness Course (+ Workbook)

Using the framework of a simulated extreme weather event, you'll learn what to do before, during and after a disaster and make a real plan customized to your unique needs and situation! Be Confident Your Family is Prepared for Extreme Weather, Disasters and the Unexpected!

Watch Intro Video

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- Chris Gilmour -

Super-Storm Athena is Coming . . .

Fun. Entertaining. Practical.

To make the course fun, entertaining and practical, we walk you through a simulated extreme weather event in your region. Over the 7-days (or at your own pace) tune into the daily newscast updating you on "Super-Storm Athena, the Storm of the Century". Each day you will be given expert teachings in preparedness and a small challenge to complete over the next few days as you go about your normal day. Learn what to do before, during and after a disaster and make a real plan customized to your unique needs and situation!
Super-Storm Athena is Coming . . .

What You Will Learn in Survive the Storms

A 7-Day Preparedness Journey

  • Day 1: Think like a Survival Expert

    Learn situational awareness & how to read the landscape. Notice the signs from nature, potential hazards, life-saving resources, escape routes, & more.

  • Day 2: Emergency Communications Plans

    When phone lines and the internet go down, create a practical plan on how to get back in touch with your family & receive important information about the event.

  • Day 3: Emergency Kits & Gear

    If you had to evacuate your home with 20 min notice or hunker down without power for weeks, are you ready? Make sure your emergency kits are ready to go and cover the most important items.

  • Day 4: Prepare Your Home to Hunker Down

    If there was a natural disaster, are you aware of the commonly overlooked hazards? Learn essential survival skills to help you safely ride out the storm.

  • Day 5: Water Storage, Collection, & Purification

    If your plumbing stopped working, the municipal water was all contaminated, and the stores ran out of water, would you know what to? Learn the essentials of water storing, harvesting and purifying.

  • Day 6: Health & Hygiene After the Storm

    After a disaster the landscape is full of new sometimes hidden hazards and advanced medical help may not be available. Learn about often overlooked hazards and other health and hygiene kits to stay safe.

  • Day 7: Next Steps in Your Preparedness

    You survived the storm, now it is time to map out your next steps in being more resilient in our rapidly changing climate and world. Also learn about engaging your community and working with nature.

  • Recommended Emergency & Survival Gear

    We're total nerds when it comes to sourcing the best, gear. As a member, we'll send you to all the right places and provide you with comprehensive gear lists for your various types of kits.

What are other students saying?

  • Survive the Storms

    Carol Kalina

    Well written, good idea to use a "news cast" simulating a real storm to provide some realism as well as to stimulate thinking.

    Well written, good idea to use a "news cast" simulating a real storm to provide some realism as well as to stimulate thinking.

    Read Less
  • Great Course

    Darren Osten

    This course is a great to get starting in disaster preparedness.

    This course is a great to get starting in disaster preparedness.

    Read Less

7 Days of Action

for a LIFETIME of preparedness.

Survival Expert & Consultant Chris Gilmour will guide you through 7 days of action-based preparedness instruction using both videos and a 100+ page course workbook. From storing food and harvesting rain water to family communications and preparing your home, you'll develop a customized preparedness plan for you and your family.
7 Days of Action

This course is for you if . . .

You are concerned about the state of the world

From more frequent and larger natural disasters to pandemics, civil unrest and economic uncertainty... the world is changing!

You want to be confident in your knowledge, skills, plans and gear to keep yourself & family safe when disasters strike.

You know you "should be" better prepared but have trouble finding the time, you don't no what to do next, or you want to improve on the preparesness steps you have already taken.

What are other students saying?

Sara Quirino, Participant & Mother

Sara Quirino, Participant & Mother

I like being prepared and want to know as much as possible to keep myself and my family safe. It covers all the most important subjects and there is a community and amazing teacher to help with any questions in the future.
Chantale Killey, Participant

Chantale Killey, Participant

Survive the Storms took a topic which for me was overwhelming, and broke it into practical, engaging, useful, and even FUN steps. The course is suitable for someone who has not spent any time preparing for disasters, but also offers enough depth for someone who has. Chris does a great job at removing the fear from this topic, and turning it into something engaging and intelligent.
Bill Clark, Father & Participant

Bill Clark, Father & Participant

What awesome videos!... The content is really good - not too much, but with a variety of examples and practical steps...

Survive the Storms eCourse is packed with VALUE!

Just look at everything included with the course!

  • 7 Days of Video Preparedness Lessons covering Situational Awareness, Emergency Communications, Emergency Kits & Gear, Preparing to Hunker Down, Water Storage, Collection, and Purification, Health & Hygiene, and Recovery

  • 5+ Bonus Videos Covering "In the Field" Survival Skills

  • 100+ Page Survival Guide + 4 Printable Worksheets for Your Home's Emergency Binder

  • Top Preparedness Gear Recommendations to Buy/Make at Home

  • 3 Bonus eBooks from the "Survival Family" Series

  • Build Confidence & Peace of Mind!

  • Access to Expert Advice from Chris & Affiliates

Learn How to Build a Neighborhood Resources & Hazards Map

Understanding what survival resources and hazards are around your home BEFORE disaster strikes can become competitive advantage you need to stay a live. Chris walks you through exactly how to build your own Neighborhood Resources & Hazards Map.
Learn How to Build a Neighborhood Resources & Hazards Map

Meet Your Instructor

  • Chris Gilmour

    Found & Lead Trainer, Changing World

    Chris Gilmour

    Chris is the founder and lead trainer at Changing World, a consulting and training firm helping both individuals and organizations adapt and thrive in our changing world and climate. They focus on emergency preparedness planning, sustainable and resilient design, and training in survival skills, emergency response and self-reliance. Chris brings a very diverse skill set and life experience to all his courses, consulting and training, including: 12 years as Wilderness & Urban Survival Instructor, 14 years as a Back-Country Wilderness Guide, 10 years living-on and building a modern day homestead where he grows food & medicinal herbs using permaculture and forest gardening techniques. 6 years experience running emergency exercises and training with government and private organizations. Chris is also a life-long martial artist, certified wildlife tracker, teacher at Sir Sanford Fleming College and has a strong background in ecology.

Course Curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to Survive the Storms!
    • A Message from Chris Gilmour, your Survive the Storms Instructor
    • ATTN Parents: Watch this video before going through the course with your children
    • [DOWNLOAD] Survive the Storms Survival Guide
    • Course & Downloads Disclaimer
  • 2
    Survive the Storms Day 1: Think Like a Survival Expert
    • Day 1 Newscast
    • Day 1 Situational Awareness Action Plan
    • [BONUS DOWNLOAD] Survive the Storms Awareness Journal
  • 3
    Survive the Storms Day 2: Communications
    • Day 2 Newscast
    • Day 2 Communications Action Plan
    • [BONUS STS COMMUNICATIONS VIDEO]: Intro to Radio Communications During a Disaster
    • [BONUS DOWNLOAD] Family Emergency Communications Plan
    • [BONUS DOWNLOAD] Family Emergency Check-In Plan
  • 4
    Survive the Storms Day 3: Emergency Kits
    • Day 3 Newscast
    • Day 3 Emergency Kits Action Plan
    • [BONUS DOWNLOAD] Basics Item Checklist
  • 5
    Survive the Storms Day 4: Preparing Your Home
    • Day 4 Newscast
    • Day 4 Home Preparation Action Plan
    • [BONUS STS SKILLS VIDEO]: Home Survival Shelter
  • 6
    Survive the Storms Day 5: Water
    • Day 5 Newscast
    • Day 5 Water Action Plan
    • Water Related Hazard Journal Exercise
    • [BONUS STS SKILLS VIDEO]: Building an Improvised Water Catchment System
  • 7
    Survive the Storms Day 6: Health & Hygiene
    • Day 6 Newscast
    • Day 6 Health & Hygiene Action Plan
    • [BONUS DOWNLOAD] Hazard Journal
    • [BONUS STS GEAR VIDEO]: Every Day Carry Kit
  • 8
    Survive the Storms Day 7: Recovery & Future Steps
    • Day 7 Newscast
    • Day 7 Recovery Action Plan
    • [BONUS STS ACTION VIDEO]: Best Call Phone Apps for Emergency & Disaster Preparedness